What is a Website ?

A website is made up of several web pages, which are HTML (HyperText Markup Language)-written digital files. Your website needs to be hosted or kept on a computer that is always online if you want people to be able to access it from anywhere in the globe. These devices are referred to as web servers.

The website’s web pages have a common interface and design and are connected by hyperlinks and hypertext. Additional files and documents, such as pictures, movies, and other digital assets, may also be present on the website.

We see websites for a variety of causes and goals as a result of the Internet permeating every aspect of our lives. In order to meet the objectives of the organization for which it was designed, we can thus also define a website as a digital environment that can provide information and solutions while encouraging interaction between people, places, and things.

Parts of a Website: As far as we are aware, a website consists of a number of websites that are stored on a web server. These are the parts that go into creating a website.

Webhost: The physical location of the website is known as hosting. a collection of webpages (connected webpages) that are only permitted to be referred to as websites when they are housed on web servers. When a user enters the website’s address, a collection of files known as the webserver are sent to their machines.
Address: A website’s address, sometimes referred to as its URL. A user must enter the website’s address, or URL, into their web browser in order to open a website; the webserver then delivers the requested webpage.

How can I visit websites?
The browser asks the web server for the page when we type a certain URL into the search box, and the server responds by sending the necessary web page and its contents back to the browser. This is now different from how the server provides the necessary data for both static and dynamic webpages.

Types of Website:

  • Static Website
  • Dynamic Website

Static Website

In Static Websites, Web pages are returned by the server which are prebuilt source code files built using simple languages such as HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. There is no processing of content on the server (according to the user) in Static Websites. Web pages are returned by the server with no change therefore, static Websites are fast. There is no interaction with databases. Also, they are less costly as the host does not need to support server-side processing with different languages.

Dynamic Website

With dynamic websites, web pages are generated at runtime by the server and returned by it. This means that instead of being prebuilt, they are created on the fly based on user requests using server-side scripting languages like PHP, Node.js, ASP.NET, and many more that the server supports. Although they are slower than static websites, they still allow for database interaction and updates. Dynamic websites are preferred over static websites because updates are easier to implement on the former (where page-by-page alteration is necessary); instead, a common alteration can be made once, and it will appear on all web pages.

Although there are many various kinds of websites on the internet, to give you a general sense, we have selected some of the most popular categories:

Blogs: These are personal or small-group websites that cover a wide range of subjects. You can find advice on fashion, music, travel, and health on these sites. Professional blogging has grown in popularity as a means of making money online these days.

E-commerce: These websites are commonly referred to as virtual stores. We can buy goods and make online payments for goods and services using these websites. Stores can be managed similarly to independent websites.

Portfolio: These websites serve as an addition to a résumé for independent contractors. It lets you showcase more of your abilities or services and gives prospective customers an easy way to see your work.

News and Magazines: These websites don’t require much explanation; their primary goal is to keep readers informed about current events, whilst magazines are more concerned with enjoyment.

Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and many other well-known social media websites are all familiar to us. Usually, the purpose of these websites is to allow users to share their ideas, photos, videos, and other helpful content.

Educational: As implied by their name, educational websites are fairly easy to navigate. These websites are made to present information through pictures, videos, or audio.

Portal: These websites are used for internal reasons within the organization, school, or business. Students can access their credential information through the login process on these websites.


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