Do we control our thoughts or do our thoughts control us?

Do we control our thoughts or do our thoughts control us?

We are the ones creating our Thoughts, be them Positive or Negative. We are the ones deciding if a Thought shall be implemented and manifested in the Physical Reality or not. Therefore, we are Fully Responsible for any event happening in our Life. Blaming others is the Ultimate Trap.

A Human Being is composed of three parts:

  1. A Consciousness Unit, or Spiritual Being (the actual individual who decides).
  2. A Human Mind (Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind and Unconscious Mind, or Ego, where the individual computes and stores data).
  3. A Human Body and Human Senses (the vehicle and sensory system the individual uses to experience his Creations in the Physical Reality)

Positive Thinking Process consists of:

  1. The Consciousness Unit, or Spiritual Being, creates the next action in the form of a Thought, Idea or Concept (for example: “I want to eat”).
  2. The Conscious Mind computes the Thought “I want to eat” by using the Data and Memories that have been stored in the Subconscious Mind.
  3. The Conscious Mind propose several options to the Consciousness Unit, or Spiritual Being (for example: “Chinese food”, “Italian Food”, Mexican Food”, etc.).
  4. The Consciousness Unit, or Spiritual Being decides what kind of food he wants to eat (for example: “Italian Food’).
  5. The Consciousness Unit, or Spiritual Being repeats the Positive Thinking Process to find a good Italian Restaurant.
  6. Now, the Consciousness Unit, or Spiritual Being uses his Human Body and Human Senses in order to experience in the Physical Reality what he has originally decided (“I want to eat”).
  7. The Consciousness Unit, or Spiritual Being, is the one who Perceives and Feels the events he has created in the Physical Reality with his Positive Thoughts.
  8. Therefore, the Individual is fully responsible for the Positive Events that happen in his Life.

Negative Thinking Process consists of:

  1. The Unconscious Mind, or Ego, creates the next action in the form of a Thought, Idea or Concept (for example: “I want to hurt Paul”).
  2. The Unconscious Mind, or Ego, computes the Thought “I want to hurt Paul” by using the Data and Memories that have been stored in the Unconscious Mind.
  3. The Unconscious Mind propose several options to the Ego (for example: “Punch his face”, “Break his arm”, “Insult him”, etc.).
  4. The Ego decides what kind of damage he will inflict to Paul (for example: “Punch his face’).
  5. The Ego repeats the Negative Thinking Process to find Paul.
  6. Now, the Ego uses his Human Body and Human Senses in order to experience in the Physical Reality what he has originally decided (“I want to hurt Paul”).
  7. The Ego is the one who Perceives and Feels the events he has created in the Physical Reality with his Negative Thoughts.
  8. However, the Individual is Fully Responsible for the Negative Events that happen in his Life as he had the opportunity to stop and reject the Negative Thoughts when they were still in his Mind.

How do we control our Thoughts?

  1. The individual must become Conscious and Aware that he is creating Thoughts, be them Positive or Negative, at any given time.
  2. The individual is Fully Responsible for stopping and rejecting any Negative Thought that is present in his Mind before the Negative Thought is implemented in the Physical Reality, as this will create a Destructive outcome.
  3. The individual who is Conscious and Aware that he is creating any Positive Thought is Fully Responsible for enforcing its implementation in the Physical Reality as this will create a Constructive outcome.

How do our Thoughts control us?

  1. The individual is not Conscious and Aware that he is perpetually creating Thoughts, be them Positive or Negative.
  2. The individual is the total effect of the Thoughts he is perpetually creating.
  3. The individual assigns Responsibility for everything that happens in his Life to others (Full Irresponsibility).
  4. The individual doesn’t know that he can Positively change his Life by stopping and rejecting Negative Thoughts that are in his Mind.
  5. The Individual has been made to believe that the brain is the Mind, and that Medicines and Drugs will stop Negative Thoughts.
  6. In actuality, Medicines and Drugs reinforce the Unconscious Mind, or Ego, and reduce the Power of the Consciousness Unit, or Spiritual Being.
  7. What we see in the World right now is the Unconscious Mind, or Ego, in Full Action.
  8. Destruction is Inevitable.

How to create a better place to live for the next Generations to come?

  1. Each Human Being must learn how to become stronger than his Unconscious Mind, or Ego, by correctly studying and applying Advanced Metaphysics on a daily basis.
  2. Then, each Human Being must evolve to Higher Level of Consciousness and Awareness in order to Consciously Create a Pro-Survival Future for Himself, his Family, his Group, Humanity, the Animal and Vegetal Realms, the Physical Reality, the Spiritual Reality and God, or Divine Intelligence.


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مدثر محمد موسى
المقالات: 18

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